雅思总分8分 雅思7分突破班学员
对于听力练习,我主要使用真题作为复习资料并且配合使用了新航道出品的雅思达人听力。考前每周我会保证做听力真题一到两套,除此之外平常我也有听BBC新闻的习惯。听力真题用来精听而BBC新闻用来泛听,这样可以保持语感,对英式发音更加熟悉。在做题时我运用了听力老师上课所讲的关键词法,笔记法等。但我认为做雅思听力最重要的还是理解,只要听懂了录音内容并及时反应出来,就能保证做题的正确率。【更多】 -
英国剑桥大学 雅思总分8分 雅思7分班学员
To be honest, I was not at least surprised when I got my IELTS grade as high as 8.(8.5 in reading and listening, 7 in speaking and writing)irstly, I have always been one of the best students in my school and I have always achieved high score in English as a subject However,before my studying in New Channel, I know absolutely nothing about the IELTS exam system and the skills I learned in New Channel helped me the greatest in the exam.【更多】