

太原新航道 > 雅思资讯 > 雅思阅读题型详解!


来源:      浏览:      发布日期:2020-10-09 15:12








  1.1 填空题

  Complete the summary below.Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each answer.

  The migration of pronghorns

  Pronghorns rely on their eyesight and ____ to avoid predators. One particular population's summer habitat is a national park, and their winter home is on the ____ where they go to avoid the danger presented by the snow at that time of year. However, their route between these two areas contains three ____ One problem is the construction of new homes in a narrow ____ of land on the pronghorns' route.


  1.2 判断题

  Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 2 ?

  In boxes 14-18 on your answer sheet, write

  TRUE if the statement agrees with the information

  FALSE if the statement contradicts the information

  NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this

  14.  Local gulls and migrating arctic terns behave in the same way when offered food.

       1.3 Matching匹配题

  Complete each sentence with the correct ending, A-G, below.

  19  According to Dingle, migratory routes are likely to _______.

  20  To prepare for migration, animals are likely to _______.

  21  During migration, animals are unlikely to _______.

  22  Arctic terns illustrate migrating animals' ability to _______.

  A. be discouraged by difficulties.

  B. travel on open land where they can look out for predators.

  C. eat more than they need for immediate purposes.

  D. be repeated daily.

  E. ignore distractions.

  F. be governed by the availability of water.

  G. follow a straight line.

  1.4 选择题Choose TWO letters, A-E.

  On what points do Hunt and Lipo disagree with Diamond?A. the period when the moai were created B. how the moai were transportedC. the impact of the moai on Rapanui societyD. how the moai were carvedE. the origins of the people who made the moai

  1.5 List of HeadingsReading Passage 2 has seven paragraphs, A-G.

  Choose the correct heading for each paragraph from the list of headings below.List of Headings

  Ⅰ. Evidence of innovative environment management practices

  Ⅱ. An undisputed answer to a question about the moai

  Ⅲ. The future of the moai statuesⅣ. A theory which supports a local belief

  Ⅴ. The future of Easter Island

  Ⅵ. Two opposing views about the Rapanui people

  Ⅶ. Destruction outside the inhabitants' control

  Ⅷ. How the statues made a situation worse

  Ⅸ. Diminishing food resources

  14 paragraph A

  15 paragraph B

  16 paragraph C

  17 paragraph D

  18 paragraph E

  19 paragraph F

  20 paragraph G 





  匹配题仍会是二三两篇的重点考察题型。 文章体裁生物、教育、社会、环境、科技等话题


  1 看三篇文章标题,确定三篇文章做题顺序

  2 看具体文章题型,确定本篇文章做题顺序

  3 看题找定位词

  4 读文章,一边读一边做,优先做基础细节题

  5 找到原文定位位置和题目对应的同义替换

  6 根据原文和题目确定答案


  III 定位词

  快速定位 定位 组合定位



  重点关注:名词 动词 形容词 逻辑关系词

  因果 due to, therefore, because, owing to, because of,

  举例 for example, such as, like, for instance  转折 however, but, yet, nevertheless, while

  并列 and, besides, in addition to,

  对比 than, compare,in contrast, by contrast

  例题剑11T1P2 Page24



  ②近义词 同根词








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